Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chapter 1

Thanksgiving Day 2009 is now three days in the past and the month of November is about to draw to a close. No work available today so sign the pad and go home to do those things that need to be done on a Sunday in the Fall on an island in the middle of the Puget Sound; watch the Seahawks play one of the few teams worse than they are, keep posted on the horrific news out of Parkland (10 miles SE) where four police were slain while drinking coffee and working on their laptops, and send out pictures by email to family.

Thank you Mom and Dad for the 1996 Chevy S-10 pickup that you gave us while we visited you during Thanksgiving. We greatly appreciate the vehicle which is exactly like what we had intended to look for next Spring.

It was great to see my sister Pat and her daughter Amy with husband Jeremy and new son Evan.


  1. Wow, what a nice gift for you guys! So very nice of Grandma and Grandpa to do that for you! I also love the pictures of your Thanksgiving with the family. Everyone looks amazing, and Amy's son Evan is so very VERY cute and is growing up so fast! I have been trying to keep up with her through our Facebook accounts. It is so nice to be back in touch with her and to see how great life has been treating her and her family!

    Thank you for mentioning the fallen police officers in your blog too Dad! The past few days have been very heart wrenching. I have read and posted a lot about it on my Facebook, and I made sure Tara heard about it. She was very upset, as is anyone that has heard about this horrific tragedy, but I know for her it really touches home. Not only does she have a loving husband and father to worry about everyday in the same line of work, but now she has a daughter that has changed her mind and wants to follow in his footsteps.

    Lots of love to you and Gretchen,
    Amber and family

  2. Sup Larry I am a ID in the middle of the 6th row name is Gallagher it is refreshing to read the blog. Just wanted to say thanks.

    Sean Gallagher


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